Robert Jacks (1959-2001) was the actor who played Leatherface in Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation, originally titled The Return of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Robbie Died on August 8, 2001, a day before his 42nd birthday from an abdominal aneurysm, which his father also died from when Robbie was a little kid. Over the course of his career, he performed country and rock music, and also hosted a radio show. His Leatherface often receives mixed opinions from fans, who praise his physicality, but are typically upset by his constant screaming and lack of chainsaw-related kills. His version of the Chainsaw Dance, an iconic shot from the original 1974 film which is often recreated in the sequels and remakes, is one of the most aggressive. In most films, he simply swings the saw in random directions. As Robert performed it, he grabbed the trigger with both hands, and started rapidly spinning the still-revving chainsaw as fast and hard as he can while screaming at full volume.