The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Wiki


Connie Taylor is a character that appears in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre video game, as one of the Victims.


She is a companion of Ana Flores in the collective friend group, acquainted via college experience with her sister Maria, that punctuates the playable Victims. Connie participated in the ill fated expedition to Texas to assist Ana discover the fate of her sister, Maria who went missing on the outskirts of Newt and whom was ambiguously discerned by the local police in the ongoing missing person's investigation a consensus that ultimately befell the friends to the wraith of the Family due to an encounter with the Cook. She is attributed as a rugged personality hailing from the grit of farm-work which bloomed her intuition as a tinkerer with surgical precision.


Connie comes from a life on the farm where she never shied away from the work that went along with it. She grew up in a loving household and while not quite what you'd imagine a tomboy to be, Connie leans towards being that type and will surprise you with her skills. Connie has a high Proficiency from being crafty and ingenious. After her high school days, she left behind her family and girlfriend, wanting to see and explore what the world around her has to offer and in time, she decided to go to Texas and pursue studying. She is a close friend of Maria and Ana.


Connie's "focused" ability allows a door to be unlocked almost instantly, but her stamina and Family proximity warning become negatively impacted.

